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Students in Cafeteria

The Game Dev London Community Education Initiative, or GDLedu, is a program intended to provide game development courses to both aspiring and veteran game developers with low-cost classes that build skills in business, marketing, and the arts as they relate to games. GDLedu's objective is to help aspiring game developers - especially those from marginalised backgrounds - gain access to more professional opportunities in game dev, and assist veteran devs in elevating their careers and obtaining greater opportunities for promotion or new roles, either at their current employer or in the wider games community. GDLedu is presently undergoing a relaunch for Spring 2023!


Courses will now be delivered through Patreon. You can join our waitlist, just hit the big blue button below.

Our Mission

Community Education

Community education programs involve input from all community members - not just instructors. Using constructive feedback from the GDL community members on topics covered and class structure, GDLedu aims to provide comprehensive education with student needs and desires in mind.


Community education is often used as a viable alternative to more expensive further education programs, and game development courses such as those provided via universities, colleges, or online platforms. The increased accessibility provided by low-cost course offerings by experienced and credentialed instructors not only helps students get to where they want to go with skills proofs, but also offers lots of opportunities for networking and collaboration among both students and instructors.


We look forward to seeing you in class!

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Our Vision

All our game development courses are brought to you by a partnership between GDL, Game Anglia, and Queenship Game Studio, our goal is to become the leading resource for the UK's games industry when it comes to networking, education, and personal development.


We want to be able to help every game creator to grow their skills, meet like-minded developers, and advance the industry as a whole.

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